Roblox Elemental Battlegrounds Wiki


Blood is basically just red water that tastes like metal. However, this element is focused on the vampiric abilities and hemomancy that come with this one. Blood can deal good amounts of damage at the expense of the user's health. Blood isn't relatively high on mana. However, using a spell with inadequate mana will use your health instead to use the spell (i.e you use Blood Bath but you only have 200 mana, you will simpy borrow 100 health to fulfill this).


– Status: Superior

– Cost: Slime + Nightmare

– Damage: High

– Defense: Mediocre

– Speed: Slow

– Mobility: Average

– Complexity: High


1. Blood Bath[]

"User launches a large blood orb that explodes on impact, dealing high damage and leaving a puddle that slows enemies that step on it"

[Projectile] The user creates an orb made of blood, growing larger the further they charge this spell (max. 2 seconds). It is then thrown to the air and drops to the ground, similar to Vortex Bomb. Upon collision, it inflicts 350 damage and creates a puddle for 4 seconds, slowing enemies on it by 30%.

• Mana/Health: 300

• Cooldown: 6 seconds

• Orb Size (max) : 1.5x Great Fire Blast

• Orb Explosion Size: 1.25x Bloodcurdling Blast

• Puddle Size (max) : 2x Slime Barrage bullet

2. Chain of Flesh[]

"User shoots a vein that attaches to an opponent, slowly siphoning health from them and dealing bonus damage after"

[Contact] The user summons a small vein from their hand that extends to a short distance. If an enemy is caught, the vein will attach to said target, stun for 1.5 seconds, deal 125 damage and steal 1.5% of their maximum health every second for 3 seconds. If the enemy escapes and breaks the vein, the lifesteal ends and the user takes 100 damage. If they persist, the vein will deal additional 150 damage as it unattaches itself from the opponent and healing the user an additional 50 health.

• Mana/Health: 400

• Cooldown: 10 seconds

• Vein Size: -2x Vine

• Vein Range: fully charged Fuming Whack

• Vein Limit: 1.5x Order Break (this range determines how far the vein can go before the enemy breaks it)

3. Red Flow[]

"User disintegrates into a small puddle of blood, being untargetable for a short period of time"

[Transformation] The caster immediately disintegrates into a blood puddle, being unable to use spells but also keeping them immune to damage or crowd control of any sort for 2 seconds. They may move around (or under players) but they will not be able to flip or jump.

• Mana/Health: 500

• Cooldown: 18 seconds

4. Sanguine Amalgamation[]

"User spawns a puddle of blood on a location where a blob arises from it, exploding after a split second, inflicting medium damage and stealing health from these targets"

[Area-of-Effect] The user creates a blood puddle in an area. After a second, an orb of blood rises from it, exploding exactly within its range after a second, dealing 324 damage and stealing 14 health each target.

• Mana/Health: 350

• Cooldown: 8 seconds

• Puddle Size: 1.3x Plasma Implosion

5. Hemophiliac[]

"Sacrifice a considerable amount of your health to empower your spells to inflict additional lifesteal upon targets"

[Ultimate] The user channels for 3 seconds, consuming 400 of their health in the process (if the user has below 400 health, they can't use this spell). A small spark of radiance ensues after, granting the caster a boost of Dracula's Inheritance, giving them the ability to steal health from targets with virtually any spell they can use. Spells that use single blasts/beams or burst damage moves steal 12 hp; spells with multiple projectiles or moves with DoT (Damage over Time) (does not count burn/poison damage) steal 4 hp. Any spell that already has lifesteal will be enhanced based on what kind of move they are. This buff lasts for 25 seconds.

• Mana: 1000

• Cooldown: 150 seconds